We offer same-day appointments for emergencies at North Park Dental. If possible, we ask that you give us a call at (956) 994-4044 before you come in. This gives us time to prepare for your visit and make sure Dr. Munoz is ready to treat you as soon as you walk through the door. We also accept walk-in emergency appointments at our office 8001 N 10th Street, Suite 150, McAllen, TX 78504. We’ll always do our best to treat your dental emergency as soon as possible!
A dental emergency is any oral health condition that is causing you serious pain, discomfort or bleeding, and that you cannot treat on your own. This means that oral injuries, cracked, chipped, loose or knocked-out teeth all count as emergencies.
Other common dental emergencies include serious toothaches, pulled-out fillings and crowns, food and objects lodged between your teeth, and bleeding gums (which could indicate periodontal disease). If you think your condition counts as an emergency, it probably does. It’s better to be safe than sorry, so schedule an appointment with Dr. Munoz right away.
All dental emergencies are urgent and should be treated as soon as possible. However, the most urgent type of dental injury is a knocked-out (avulsed) tooth. The tooth must be re-implanted within 1-2 hours of being knocked out to be saved. If you don’t get help quickly enough, it will die and we won’t be able to save it.
Immediate dental care is the best way to get relief from the pain and discomfort of a dental emergency, which can be debilitating. Getting help right away also prevents further complications. For example, getting a crown for a cracked tooth will prevent infection and eliminate the need for a root canal down the road.
Getting dental care right away also lets you get back to your day-to-day life as soon as possible. You can restore your smile and resume your normal activities without worrying about pain, discomfort, or further oral health complications.
"I love being able to make a positive impact on my patients’ mood and self image."
– Dr. Muñoz